Commitments and engagements

Woman travelling in public transport.

Neste is an active member in multiple national and global industry associations and business networks. We promote active dialogue and develop good relations with our various stakeholders.

We contribute to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We are also committed to supporting the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting and we are a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) initiative. Our Sustainability Report is compliant with the UNGC reporting requirements and along with the Communication on Progress shows how we implement the ten principles and support broader UN goals.

Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interconnected global goals to help achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. At Neste, we have identified nine priority SDGs as the goals we most significantly contribute to. These prioritized SDGs form a strong basis for our sustainability work. By identifying material sustainability topics and the relevant SDGs, we position Neste as part of society as well as part of the global sustainability framework. Read more >>

Involvement in organizations and joint projects


  • ACI, Internal association representing the airports

  • ASTM International, former American Society for Testing and Materials

  • CAAFI, Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative

  • Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), a global organisation bringing consumer goods retailers and manufacturers together to collaborate with the vision of better lives through better business. Neste is member of the CGF Human Rights Coalition and the Forest Positive Coalition.

  • IATA, Internal association representing the airline industry

  • ISCC, International Sustainability and Carbon Certification, widely used renewable fuel standard organization

  • IRU, International road transport organization

  • OCIMF, Oil Companies International Marine Forum, an organization promoting safety of marine transportation and environmental responsibility

  • Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), an organization promoting sustainable use of biomass and biomaterials

    • Neste representative is the Chair of the Board of Directors

  • Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), an international organization and certification system promoting palm oil's sustainable production and use

  • Science Based Targets Network is a group of organizations working to shape private sector and city impacts on nature by using science-based targets (SBTs). Science Based targets for Nature build on and complement existing climate targets, which have been set by over 2,600 companies through the Science Based Targets initiative. They have been developed to give companies the guidance towards realizing the vision of an equitable, net zero and nature positive future.

  • Sustainable Landscape, collaborative project involving several global brands (e.g. Unilever, Pepsico, Cargill, Danone, L'Oréal and Neste) and palm oil companies Golden Agri (GAR) and Musim Mas, as well as non-governmental agencies aiming for a large-scale transformative sustainability impact regionally in the Siak and Pelalawan regions in Indonesia. Focusing on sustainability improvements in the production of multiple commodities.

  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

  • Unilever's Supplier Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Promise and Living Wage Promise 

  • United Nations Global Compact

  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)


  • Bioenergy Australia, represents and advocates for biofuels as part of Australia's energy mix

  • Bioenergy New Zealand, association that represents the interest of the biofuels industry in New Zealand

  • Eurocham, the European Chamber of Commerce (Singapore), also known as EuroCham Singapore, represents the common interests of the European business community in promoting bilateral trade, services and investments between Europe, Singapore and the region

EU and Europe

  • A4E, Airlines for Europe, 16 leading EU airline groups

  • ACI Europe, European branch of the Airports Council International

  • ASFE, EU platform promoting synthetic and paraffinic fuels

  • BIC (Bio-Based Industries Consortium), EU bio-based industries platform focused on R&D topics and funding projects

  • Business Europe - ASG , European employers federation

  • Cefic, European Chemical Industry

  • EBB, EU association for companies producing biodiesel (HVO and FAME)

  • EU's Oil Spill Project, the project focuses on enhancing oil spill response capability in the Baltic Sea Region in 2019–2021

  • EUBP (European Bioplastics), trade association representing EU bioplastics producers

  • European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath, aimed at increasing the use of aviation biofuel to 2 million t/a by 2020

  • European Committee of Standardization (CEN)

  • European Energy Forum (EEF), an organization promoting open discussion and development in the energy industry

  • ETIP Bioenergy, European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy is an industry-led stakeholder platform that brings together relevant actors from academia, industry, and civil society, engaged in the development of sustainable bioenergy and competitive biofuel technologies

    • Neste representative is a Steering committee member

  • FuelsEurope, EU association representing companies operating refineries in the EU

  • Hydrogen Europe, European association representing the interest of the hydrogen industry and its stakeholders and promoting hydrogen as an enabler of a zero-emission society

  • Nordic Business Network on Human Rights, facilitated by the Danish Institute of Human Rights DIHR

  • Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)

    • Neste representative as member of the core advisory board


  • Energia, national fuel association

  • Essenscia, national federation of the chemical industry and life sciences


  • Estonian Oil Association

  • Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI)

  • Estonian Logistics & Freight Forwarding Association, international transport and freight forwarding or the provision of other logistics services

  • Finnish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce (FECC)

  • Green Tiger, multidisciplinary cooperation platform whose purpose is to create a balanced economic model for Estonia and the world

  • Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Estonia


  • Amcham Finland, enhances internationalization of member companies and promotes a positive image of foreign investment and international talent in Finland

  • Bioenergia ry, Finnish Bioenergy Association

  • Cleantech Finland, a Finnish national project, backed by the Government of Finland and created as part of Finland’s National Action plan to develop the country’s environmental business

  • CLIC Innovation, a non-profit cluster management organization for creating sustainable solutions

    • Neste representative is a Member of the Board

  • Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC), a non-profit climate business network in Europe

  • Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK - Confederation of Finnish Industries EK, Finnish trade association

  • FIBS, Finland's leading corporate responsibility network, also a membership in FIBS' Diversity Charter Finland

  • Hydrogen cluster Finland, a network of companies and industrial associations that facilitates sharing of information, collaboration and joint ventures, and development of a business perspective to promote hydrogen economy, create business opportunities and support the transformation towards climate neutrality

  • John Nurminen Foundation, a foundation founded in 1992, that aims to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage to future generations. The goal of the Foundation’s environmental projects is to improve the condition of the Baltic Sea with concrete measures that reduce the load and environmental risks faced by the sea. Neste is one of the key partners.

  • Kemianteollisuus ry, Finnish Chemical Industry Association

  • Responsible Care, a voluntary initiative by the global chemical industry aimed at supporting sustainable development in the industry, coordinated by The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland.

  • Technology Academy Finland, awards the global one-million-euro Millennium Technology Prize and runs associated events and initiatives

  • Turvallisuuden tekijät, a joint initiative developing systematic ways of improving people safety in companies

  • World Energy Council Finland, global network of nearly 100 national Member Committees connects energy leaders, industries, governments, innovators and experts across the world


  • UFIP Energies & Mobilités, National Fuel Association


  • aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V., German SAF association

  • Aussenhandelsverband für Mineralöl und Energie e. V. (AFM+E), Foreign Trade Association for Mineral Oil and Energy

  • Bundesverband Bioenergie e.V., German bio energy association

  • CLIB, Cluster Industrielle Biotechnologie, i.e.Cluster for Biotechnology, a German network providing a platform for science and business to collaborate

  • DENA Plattform Nachhaltiger Schwerlastverkehr, task force of the German energy agency

  • en2x – Wirtschaftsverband Fuels & Energie - Trade association for Fuels and Energy

  • eFuel Alliance e.V., eFuels association

  • Forum für Zukunftsenergien, energy policy dialogue between politics, business and science in Berlin

  • FVV, collective research on prime movers e.g.internal combustion engines

  • Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog e.V., the green business dialog brings together stakeholders from the Green Party and businesses

  • Plastics Europe Deutschland, German plastic producers association

  • UNITI Bundesverband mittelständischer Mineralölunternehmen e. V., associations of mineral oil companies

  • VCI - Verband der Chemischen Industrie, German chemical industry association


  • IT-SAF Observatory, informal network of aviation stakeholders working on SAF development

  • SPRING, National Bioeconomy Cluster

  • UNEM, National Fuel Association


  • Latvian Fuel Traders Association

  • Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia

  • Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia

  • The Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL), a non-governmental organization that brings together the largest companies from various countries and sectors that have made significant investments in Latvia


  • LIETUVOS NAFTOS PRODUKTŲ PREKYBOS ĮMONIŲ ASOCIACIJA, association of Oil Products Retailers of Lithuania

  • Lithuanian - Finnish Chamber of Commerce

  • Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania

  • The Association of the Lobbyists of Lithuania

  • Finland Lithuania Business Association

The Netherlands

  • Bioport Holland, an initiative in the Netherlands aimed at promoting the use of sustainably produced biofuel in aviation

  • NVDB, Association of Biofuel Producers in The Netherlands

North America

  • Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA)

  • Calstart Inc

  • Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CRFA), an organization promoting the use of renewable fuels in traffic

  • Clean Fuel Washington

  • CRC, the Coordinating Research Council, a non-profit organization that directs engineering and environmental studies on the interaction between automotive/other mobility equipment and petroleum products

  • Diesel Tech Forum (DTF shared cost)

  • Field to Market, organization bringing together US actors across the supply chain to measure and advance sustainable agriculture

  • Finnish American Chamber of Commerce

  • Low Carbon Fuels Coalition(LCFC)

  • New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV)

  • Public Affairs Council, Public Affairs professional association

  • RICanada, Renewable Industries Canada

  • State Societies


  • APPA Biocarburantes, National Biofuel Association


  • 2030-Sekretariatet, NGO committed to the decarbonization of the transport sector

  • Biodriv Öst, Organization that brings together six counties in eastern Central Sweden and the Stockholm region in the work for a fossil-free transport

  • Drivkraft Sverige, National Fuel Association

  • Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

  • SAG, association that connects businesses within flight industry

  • Svebio, Svenska Biodrivmedelsföreningen, National Biofuels Association

  • Svenska Petroleum och Biodrivmedel Institutet (SPBI)


  • Jet Zero Council, industry and government partnership aimed at Net Zero Aviation

  • Renewable Energy Association, renewable energy and associated clean technology Trade Association with 500 member organizations

  • Sustainable Aviation, UK Aviation Industry Alliance

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